How does Bella's Earwig Repellent work?

Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent utilizes a powerful, natural formula designed to target earwigs – no matter how tough they are. The potent blend in all our repellent spraystakes effect upon contact, helping to effectively rid your home of earwigs and other pests.

How does Bella's Earwig Repellent work?

What's in Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent?

Our Earwig Repellent is environmentally conscious, featuring a unique blend of essential oils that effectively repel earwigs without the use of harmful chemicals. Expertly formulated with non-toxic, eco-friendly ingredients, including natural essential oils like peppermint, castor, and thyme oil, Bella’s is completely safe as well as effective. The refreshing peppermint gives it a pleasing aroma.

What's in Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent?

What are the features & benefits of Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent?

Experience the wonders of Bella's Barrier!

  • Eliminates Earwigs: Banish earwigs that invade your living space.
  • Pleasant Fragrance: The delightful peppermint scent leaves your home smelling fresh.
  • Indoor & Outdoor Use: Versatile for use in any area of your home, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Safety: Made with ingredients that are fur-parent and kid-approved.
  • Eco-Friendly: Crafted with essential oils that are gentle on the environment.
  • Effectiveness: Targets elusive earwigs in every part of your home.
  • Ease of Use: No-hassle application. Simple, safe, and shoos earwigs away.
  • Pleasant Fragrance: Enjoy the delightful scent of peppermint.


Eliminates Earwigs


Pleasant Fragrance


Indoor & Outdoor Use








Ease of Use


Pleasant Fragrance

How do you use Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent?

Kicking out earwigs out of your home is as simple as 3 steps:

Step 1

Shake your bottle well.

Step Step 1

Step 2

Pinpoint the areas infested by earwigs, such as garden beds, damp basements, and mulch piles.

Step Step 2

Step 3

Spray evenly, covering those troublesome hiding spots. Apply once a week for optimal effectiveness.

Step Step 3

Where could you use the Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent?

Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent can be used in any part of your home. It’s like deploying a protective shield against earwigs, whether it's in your child’s room or the living room. Our repellent spray is equally effective outdoors, making it the go-to solution for earwig control throughout your living environment.



Undersink Cabinet



Secure, efficient, and exceptionally user-friendly, Bella's Barrier Earwig Repellent stands as your paramount shield against earwigs. Rely on Bella's Barrier to establish a secure, cozy, and earwig-free living space for you and your loved ones. Say goodbye to earwig disasters – welcome a safe home that’s truly for the family to enjoy.